Saturday, March 30, 2013

Mana and Yohei Gypsy Band

Mana, Yohei and two new friends = Yuta and Michika
They stop by malaysia on the way to Melbourne for shows. This couple were still doing this and freaking amaze me how they managed. I guess the gypsy lifestyle would probably what make that happen. Everytime they came it makes the semangat nak jemming membara. I became more amazed with Yohei's story.

Yohei ader sebiji benih yg amik dia 3 bulan untuk cari. Benih tuh dia jumpe kat jepun, tepi laut. Benih tuh datang dari negara lain belah selatan, brazil kot. Benih tuh tenggelam dalam ombak dan amik masa yg lamer kalau nak sampai ke jepun. So benih tuh tak banyak le boleh jumper kat jepun. So aku tanyer Yohei kenapa bawak sekali pegi travel sampai sini, tak takut hilang ke. Dia cakap dia nak bawak benih tuh travel lagi jauh. Dah lamer benih tu travel. Lagi lamer dari dia... sgt spritual mamat nih!

thanks Wani and Syafiq and Ikhlas! sebab kasik kiteorang jemming kat GB!

cis teruk betul Omar yg buat poster nih. Ader ke patut dia letak gamba Kawin aku!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mane ade teruk gambar ni! You look very handwome man beeee!