Friday, April 25, 2008

with Ian Chow, Tony Leo, Nick Davis and Ida Lisa, 25th and 26th April @ Jaya One, PJ

Wow, the atmosphere was super relaxing on the 25th (Friday). We played right front kopitiam, Leonard and Amber, who mastermind this event did a good job in making sure everyone involve -happy. Thanks to the team and the Jaya One manegement for letting us rip roaring doopers make music. IT IS THE ONLY PLACE IN PJ (at the moment) that provide the facility for, and to support the LOCAL MUSIC SCENE. Terima kasih banyak banyak, wa caya sama lu.

Thanks to Ian Chow for hooking me up with this one. I had FUN. The boys played acoustical performance and it was confirmed they are one of those rip roaring jammers. At one piece, Tony Leo was playing sumthing groovy, Ian joined up with harmonica, and Nick Davis filled in guitar solos. WOW THANKS A LOT for letting me get crazy on the mic, it was fun, and fun is nice, nice is good...

OK, on the 26th (Saturday) Ida Lisa was supposed to be there, but she got Emergency Leave. I hope she is allright. The crowd is bigger on that day, Brian Kwan from Time Out magazine was also there! from outside the building looks like a square box, but the inside got me! kudos to the architect who did this building- the concept is unique.


Yin said...

saying hi - good show last nite :)

Yin said...

saying hi - good show last nite :)

JET said...

saya suka nick davis!