Played for the Amnesty International of Malaysia. Brought Zaim to play the Lead Guitar and Izham on Cajon/Kahon. Had a blast, the crowd is always pleasant at Merdekarya. Well i guess the environment of the place already encourage tht. Regarding Amnesty International, they played a video and then only soon I realized the idea.
How Islamic a nation is? to explain this: first create four indexes: economy, law and governance, civil and political rights, and international relations. Of the predominantly Muslim states, Malaysia, ranked 38th in the standing, is the most Islamic state, followed by Kuwait, ranked 48th. Turkey is ranked 103rd out of the 208 nations, whereas Saudi Arabia stands as 131st, Iran 163rd and Afghanistan 169th
Senang cerita Malaysia kira top for implementing Islam into daily business practice dan hukuman mahkamah. This is great sebab kita follow principal. What Amnesty is fighting for is to abolished hukuman mati. Di Malaysia kalau sabit kesalahan ada hukuman gantung sampai mati. Ada jugak di negara islam lain takda hukuman Mati. Turkey actually mansuhkan hukuman ni. I wonder...
Dear readers: I love Malaysia now, before, even after. I thought we did great so far... I am not lefty nor right sided, just a citizen who maintain to abide govern law, setia pada Raja dan Negara. Ampun jikalau tersilap bahasa, hanya renungan peringkat dunia.
(Source: In Google type: "islamic countries that abolished death penalty")
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