Wednesday, November 20, 2013

DIY light saber for Layar Tanchap Shah Alam

Sedey gak aku dengar pasal comment member psal event tuh tak berapa on or maybe dah tak laku. What ever it is Layar Tanchap or Akar will get my support. I ll do what i can. Yes its true that they need the listener support to keep the level up. Huh... maybe things changed that much. Thank you Syai and Fauzan for keep it keep it on. 

Glad to witnessed Monche punyer musik, sangat memorable, tambah pulak Zaim dan Izham dia ajak jemming sekali. For a person yg bleh buat musik yg pelik tapi meliurkan, tambahan plak terrer buat komik LBK dia tuh, perghhh memang RARE bro. 

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